French Hair Care

French Hair Care

French Hair Care

French Hair Care

When I first arrived in France, I took le métro every morning and one thing that drew my attention often, was how effortless French girls and women were about their hair. Some still had bed head, while others were freshly out of the shower with their hair still wet, and I was happy to see such a difference from the countries I had lived in before, as I personally was someone who embraced my natural hair texture and colour and was never fond of heating tools.
I can say that I am still following the same style now, but as I am constantly in contact with clients, I do see and feel the importance of having a tamed hairstyle, but I do try to keep my hair as natural as I can and invest quite a bit in its care.
Some of the products listed here may work for you and some may not, as I had to test many products myself for quite a while to see what works for me and my fine, thin hair. Fine hair quickly loses its volume after washing and styling because it has a diameter that’s one third smaller than that of normal hair. Choosing a shampoo specially designed to address these problems can make a big difference. Here are a few of the products that I absolutely love and worked for my fine, thin hair.

French Hair Care
French Hair Care